It's OFFICIAL!  I've launched my new website!  Whew, that took, a minute.   It's March 7, 2023 today.  We finally moved into our new home in September 2022, roughly got my art studio up and running for business and am finally working on Shelly Jack Studio website and details.  I am thankful and thrilled to have churned out a few artwork commissions over these past few months as well as submitting several pieces of art to a local hospital for the chance for them to be permanently displayed in their new patient building.   I won't know the results of that for a few weeks but, whatever decision is made there I am better for it.  That call for art made my heart leap with joy and fear and the compulsion to move past that fear and act on my passions purpose.  For years I have been trying and working on combining energy work with my artwork.  All with the goal to bring meaning, joy and even a form of healing to the viewer.  I've been intuitively creating a few pieces for my Reiki room and elsewhere by incorporating intuition, guidance, crystal sound vibrations, drumming and Reiki infused water and paint.   The results have been amazing.  Someone even said one of my paintings looked "alive" to them when they saw it.  What an honor it is to be able to create something that brings joy, peace, healing and intrigue to the recipient.  Fingers crossed some of my pieces will be in those places for others to see and where that can happen.

"The Gathering"

I'm still working out the details of how and where to conduct the in person Reiki sessions, but for now distance Reiki sessions with me can be scheduled.   If you or anyone you may know are interested in an in person Reiki session contact me here at my email.  If you are interested in an intuitive art commission or an artwork please contact me via my email.  

New artwork and products will be added here as they are created.   You can check back here and subscribe to my email list to be notified. 

Thank you to all of you who have signed up for my emails and have kept up with my art journey encouraging me along the way.  Have a wonderful month of March!

Shelly ✨

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